
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Power Output of the Sun


ÓDecember 2000, Douglas A. Fowler


Work, energy, and power

     What follows is a very brief review of the most basic definitions of work and power.  This is not intended to be complete and you are encouraged to read up on this in a good introductory physics text, for example, Giancoli (1998).

     If you exert a constant force F over some distance d, the work that you do, w, is defined by the dot product of the force vector and the displacement vector:

                    w = F×d

It can be shown that this formula is equivalent to

                    w = Fdcosq

or simply

                    w = Fd

when the force vector and displacement are parallel and in the same direction, i.e., cosq = 1.  Hence, in the SI system, work is given in units of newton×meters, N×m; 1 N×m is called a joule, J, i.e., 1 N×m = 1 J.  Work on some object results in changes in the energy of that object:

                    w = DKE + DPE + Q

where DKE is the change in the object’s kinetic energy, DPE is the change in its potential energy, and Q is the energy lost to dissapative forces like friction.  This is a version of what is often called the work-energy theorem.  From it follows the simple definition of energy that one often hears: energy is the capacity to do work, and work results in changes in energy.  

     Power is defined as the time rate of change of energy production or consumption.  In the language of calculus this is written as

P = dE/dt

where P is power, E is energy, and t is time.  Algebraically, this is approximated as

P = (change in E)/(change in t)

The symbols DE stands for the ‘change in energy’, that is the amount of energy produced or consumed by some process; Dt stands for the time interval over which this occurs.  The units of power are watts, symbolized as W; 1 J/s = 1 W.  We must be careful with the terms ‘produced’ and ‘consumed’; we should really say transformed.   For example, a 100 W light bulb transforms the energy supplied to the filament by an electric current into radiant energy (with a spectrum corresponding to a blackbody at the same temperature as the bulb’s filament).  100 W means that this transformation happens at a rate of 100 J/s.

     Now, you could lift a 1 kg mass through a height of 1 m, and do this in one second.  1 kg weighs 9.8 N at the surface of the Earth. You then must lift with an upward force equal to 9.8 N.  (We, of course, are completely aware of lifting with just a little more than this 9.8 N to get the mass into motion, but this can be neglected when compared to the work done throughout the rest of the lift.)  As a lifting machine you would be operating with a power output of 9.8 N×m/s, that is 9.8 J/s or 9.8 W.  A kilogram weighs about 2.2 pounds in the English system.  So lifting this weight to a height of 1 m (a distance that is just under 1 yard plus 3 and 3/8 inches) once each second is equivalent to 9.8 W. If you wanted to lift weights to generate the electricity needed to light the 100-watt bulb, you would have to raise a weight of 22.4 pounds up 1 meter once each second for as many seconds as you wanted the light to stay on!

The Solar constant

     The amount of solar power intercepted by the Earth has been determined to be 1370 watts per square meter. (Fix, 2001).  Abell, Morrison, and Wolff (1991) briefly discuss how measurements can be made from which to determine this value, called the solar constant. Another way to describe the solar constant is as follows: an area of 1 square meter placed at the distance the Earth is from the Sun, 1 astronomical unit (1 AU), and facing normal to Sun’s rays, will intercept 1370 W.  Letting f stand for the solar constant, we can write

                    f = 1370 W/m2

Observing the Sun

     We will make observations of the Sun by direct viewing through a filter attached to a telescope.  As the saying goes, DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME, without the proper equipment.  You are encouraged to read Jeff Medkeff’s article (1999) “A Beginner’s Guide to Solar Observing” in the June, 1999 issue of  Sky and Telescope.   We use a circular, full-apeture glass filter mounted over the front corrector plate of an 8-inch Celestronâ Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope.  The filter itself consist of a glass plate machined flat, with its front surface coated with evaporated metals.  This produces a highly reflective surface, allowing only 0.00001 of the incoming sunlight to pass through the filter and into the telescope.  The filter is placed over the front corrector plate so that no unfiltered sunlight enters the telescope and cooks any of its optics. For a description of this kind of filter, see Chou (1998) or MacRobert (1999). 


     The first thing you will notice are sunspots. This will not be our focus here, and the interested reader is encouraged to look up this topic in any of the astronomy texts listed in the references.  

Limb darkening

     The visible layer of the Sun, what we think of as its surface, is called the photosphere.  

The gaseous photosphere is less than 500 kilometers thick (Seeds, 2000) and may be as little as only 200 kilometers in thickness (Fix, 1999).  This is much less than 1/10 of 1 percent of the Sun’s radius.


     Photons are emitted by the atoms of the hot gasses in the photosphere.  A photon can travel only so far through these gasses before it is absorbed by another atom.  The average length of this distance is called the mean free path by physicists.  Let’s represent this mean free path as a distance d.  When we look at the center of the Sun’s image, we are seeing photons emitted from a depth d, that is, we can see to a depth d straight into the solar photosphere.  But when we look farther to the edge of the Sun (called the Sun’s limb), that same distance d, now at a shallow oblique angle, allows us to look only to a far lesser depth than when we looked toward the center of the Sun’s disk.  We see light from this shallower depth where the gasses are cooler.  The cooler gasses emit photons at a longer wavelength causing the limb of the Sun to look not nearly as bright as the central part of its image.  This is called limb darkening.  Abell, Morrison, and Wolff (1991) give a good description, with diagrams, of limb darkening.

     For our purposes, we want to see whether the limb darkening is uniform in all directions outward and across the Sun’s image when viewed through a telescope. This will give us some clue as to whether we can assume that the Sun radiates its energy evenly in all directions out into space. Make these observations and see what you think.             


     Using the solar constant, along with your assumption about whether the Sun radiates uniformly in all directions, calculate the total power output of the Sun. To set up this calculation, ask yourself how much solar power passes through 1 square meter at the Earth’s distance from the Sun. Then ask how much power would be intercepted by 1 square meter placed at this same distance but in a direction directly outward from the Sun’s north pole. Another clue will come from the idea of the Dyson sphere.


The Dyson Sphere

     A clue as to how to approach this problem can be found in the speculative concept

of a Dyson sphere. In the late 1950’s and throughout the 1960’s, physicist Freeman Dyson took an active part in discussions concerning the possibility of detecting extraterrestrial intelligence. Dyson (1959, 1966) argued that members of a technically advanced civilization, faced with the Malthusian social and economic pressures resulting from the overpopulation of their homeworld, might literally take apart the other planets of their solar system and use these materials to construct a sphere that would completely enclose their sun. Such a sphere, constructed with a radius equal to the semi-major axis of the orbit of this civilization’s home planet, would then be able to collect the entire energy output of the central sun. Further discussion of this idea can be found in Dyson (1979), Niven (1974), Sagan (1973), and Sullivan (1966). Lemarchand (1992) provides a good more recent overview of the problems of detecting extraterrestrial civilizations (if they even exist!).

     Science fiction writer Larry Niven (1970, 1974) based his novel Ringworld in part on Dyson’s ideas. Niven envisioned a somewhat less ambitious civilization building a wide circular band centered on the sun, rather than a full sphere. This band would again be constructed with a radius equal to the semi-major axis of the orbit of the civilization’s home planet. This ‘ringworld’ would be essentially a wide equatorial slice of a Dyson sphere.      

Mass equivalence

     Once we know the total power output of the Sun, we can calculate the rate at which mass is converted to energy by the nuclear reactions at Sun’s core. For this we use Einstein’s famous equation, perhaps the only equation that most lay readers know from its status as a cultural icon:

                    E = mc2

Here we let E stand for the energy produced by the Sun in 1 second. The amount of mass converted to this energy is given by m. The speed of light in a vacuum is represented by c. Einstein showed in 1905 that lightspeed squared is essentially a conversion factor between units of mass and equivalent units of energy: mass and energy can be converted back and forth between one another with the restriction that the total mass/energy in any physical process remains the same. Interested readers are encouraged to consult Einstein (1961) or any good physics text covering modern physics such as those listed in the references: Beiser (1987), Bernstein, Fishbane, and Gasiorowicz (2000), Giancoli (1998), Tipler and Llewellyn (1999), and Weidner and Sells (1980).     


The proton-proton chain

     The Sun’s energy is produced deep in the solar core where temperatures reach 15 million Kelvins (K) and the pressure is great enough to compress hot ionized gas to a density of nearly 150 g/cm3 (Fraknoi, Morrison, and Wolff, 1997) - about 150 times that of water or 13 times the density of lead. The ionized gas itself is essentially a gas of free protons, electrons, and helium nuclei. The high density greatly increases the odds that two protons collide; the high temperature means that these particles are moving fast enough so that when they do collide, they can get close enough for the short-range, attractive  strong-nuclear force to overcome the electrostatic repulsion between the two positively-charged protons. We can represent the resulting process, called the proton-proton chain, in three steps, described below.    

     In the first step, two protons (1H) collide and interact to form a nucleus of deuterium or heavy hydrogen (2H), a positron (e+), and a neutrino (n). In the second step, a deuterium nucleus collides and interacts with another proton to produce a helium-3 nucleus (3He). In the process, one or more gamma-ray photons (g) are released.

Lastly, two helium-3 nuclei collide and interact to produce a single stable helium-4 nucleus (4He) along with a couple of leftover protons. Since the last step requires the input of two helium-3 nuclei, we must run the second step twice. But to run this second step twice, we need two deuteriums which requires that we also run the first step twice. This is symbolized below by writing both the first and second steps in parentheses with the notation 2 ´ in front.   

                    2 ´ ( 1H + 1H ® 2H + e+ + n)

                    2 ´ ( 1H + 2H ® 3He + g)

                              3He + 3He ® 4He + 1H + 1H

Running the first and second steps twice requires the net input of six protons. But two protons are returned with the completion of the third step. The net result of this process can then be written as:

                    41H ® 4He

which tells us that four hydrogen nuclei are fused to make one stable helium nucleus. 

In stars with masses like that of the Sun or smaller, essentially all of their energy is produced by this nuclear reaction, the proton-proton chain.   


Mass defect

     The conversion of mass into energy becomes evident through what is called the mass defect. If we take the at-rest mass of four neutral hydrogen-1 atoms (Weidner and Sells, 1980), we have a total, in atomic mass units (u), given by:

                    4(1.007825u) = 4.031300u

A single neutral helium-4 atom has a rest mass of 4.002603u (Weidner and Sells, 1980).

The difference between the two is called the mass defect:

                    4.031300u - 4.002603u = 0.028697u

This 0.028697 atomic mass units represents the mass converted to energy each time the proton-proton chain runs its course. We could use this fact to find the number of helium-4 atoms produced each second by the nuclear reactions in the core of the Sun.


The lifetime of the Sun

When we have a reasonable estimate of the amount of mass converted by the Sun into energy each second, it seems reasonable to ask how long the sun can last. Not all of the Sun’s mass is available for nuclear fusion; only the portion of the Sun’s material that is under enough pressure and at a high enough temperature is subject to fusion. Seeds (2000) gives the minimum temperature for hydrogen fusion at about 10 million K. Only about 34 % of the Sun’s mass, contained within 20 % of its radius, is at a temperature of 10 million K or higher (Seeds, 2000). We also know that the composition of the solar gasses is 71 % hydrogen (Fix, 2001), but it has been estimated that at the core, only 34 % of the core mass is hydrogen (Fix, 2001).  If we assume the Sun fuses hydrogen into helium at a constant rate over the rest of its lifetime, how much longer will the sun last? Note that this assumption is probably far too simple: about 5 billion years ago, when the Sun began its main sequence life, the Sun’s power output was only about 70 % of what it is now, so we know that the Sun’s power output is steadily increasing.        


Abell, G. O., Morrison, D., & Wolff, S. C. (1991). Exploration of the universe (6th ed.).

     Philadelphia: Saunders College Publishing.

Beiser, A. (1987). Concepts of modern physics (4th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

Bernstein, J, Fishbane, P. M., & Gasiorowicz, S. (2000). Modern physics, Upper Saddle

     River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Chou, B. W. (1998). Solar filter safety, Sky and telescope, vol. 95, no. 2, p. 36-40,

     June, 1998. Also On-Line at,

     Contacted 12/20/00.

Dyson, F. J. (1959). Search for artificial stellar sources of infrared radiation, Science,

     vol. 131, p. 1667-1668.

Dyson, F. J. (1966). The search for extraterrestrial technology, in Perspectives in modern

     physics (essays in honor of Hans Bethe), R. E. Marshack (Ed.), New York: John

     Wiley and Sons.

Dyson, F. J. Disturbing the universe, New York: Harper & Row. 

Einstein, A. (1961). Relativity: the special and general theories, New York: Crow     


Fix, J. D. (2001). Astronomy: journey to the cosmic frontier (2nd ed., updated). Boston:

     McGraw Hill.

Fraknoi, A., Morrison, D., & Wolff, S. (1997). Voyages through the universe. Fort

     Worth, TX: Saunders College Publishing.

Giancoli, D. C. (1998). Physics: principles with applications (5th ed.). Upper Saddle

     River, NJ: Prentice Hall.  

Lemarchand, G. A. (1992). “Detectability of extraterrestrial technological activities,” On-

     Line at, Contacted 12/21/00.  

MacRobert, A. M. (1999). “Solar filters: which is best?,” Sky and telescope, vol. 98, no.

     1, p. 63-67, July, 1999. Also On-Line at

     testreports/accessories/9907tp_filters.html, Contacted 12/20/00.

Medkeff, J. (1999). “A beginner’s guide to solar observing,” Sky and telescope, vol. 97,

     no. 6, June 1999. 

Niven, L. (1970). Ringworld. New York: Ballantine Books.

Niven, L. (1974). “Bigger than worlds” in A hole in space. London: Futura Publications.

Niven, L. (1990). Author’s introduction to “From Ringworld” in N-space, New York:

     Tom Doherty Associates. 

Sagan, C. (1973). The cosmic connection. New York: Dell Publishing.

Seeds, M. A. (2000). Horizons: exploring the universe (6th ed.). Pacific Grove, CA:


Sullivan, W. (1966). We are not alone, New York: McGraw-Hill.

Tipler, P. A. & Llewellyn, R. A. (1999). Modern physics (3rd ed.). New York: W. H.


Weidner, R. T. & Sells, R. L. (1980). Elementary modern physics (3rd ed.). Boston: Allyn

     and Bacon.