
Sunday, August 16, 2009

A year ago

In the montage/panorama (below, last entry) taken by Diana Ludwig, you see essentially all of Hilliard, Florida on US 301 not far across the border from Georgia.  We were looking for a place to eat on a Sunday in August of a year ago and found L'il Al's.  They had their big Sunday buffet all ready as church was getting out with lots of pick-ups parked outside and the church ladies in their finest with big flowery hats.  The buffet held fried chicken, sweet potatoes, corn, corn bread (the best I've ever had) and a huge kind of blueberry cobbler buried in whipped cream.  All this came with sweet tea.  It's always worth it to get off the interstates (in our case we were avoiding I-95 and Jacksonville).

We found all kinds of local characters sitting around the tables with families.  And we saw the King.  He was there too, aged but with a wave hair still dyed black along with his side burns, and he had on his silver frame glasses.  We passed him sitting there quietly and friendly with a woman.  He was out with his people and still with all of us.  When he finally comes out with another album it will be his best with only his voice alongside a second-hand acoustic guitar and lots of songs about all the rest of us.