
Friday, June 25, 2010

This is your world

Photos from the TED x Oilspill EXPEDITION  "a week-long project to document the current situation in the Gulf of Mexico and bring a first hand report back to the TEDxOilSpill event in Washington DC on June 28th... working on land, air, and maybe even on boat. .. In addition to documentation of oil on the water and on the beach, they are particularly interested in the human side of the equation and will be talking to some of the people most affected by the catastrophe in the Gulf. they will also be documenting any and all evidence of media interference by BP, the Coast Guard, or other officials."

See the results, 600 and counting, images on 11 pages on FLICKR

From Higher Up:
"The oil appears as a maze of silvery-gray ribbons in this photo-like image from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Terra satellite and is at MODIS’ maximum spatial resolution (level of detail). Twice-daily images of the Gulf of Mexico are available from the MODIS Rapid Response Team."

(note from Diana: I took a break from looking at spill destruction imagery for over 3 weeks (easy when you don't own/go near TV's) but have just stumbled upon this Huge latest pic from NASA Goddard. It's 5200 x 6000 px so beware of slow viewing time! How poignant that gorgeous green layer so thin and pearled with those little white clouds until you've click-dragged to the water...)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Dr. Michael Frome turns 90

"Twenty years or so ago, they were talking about carrying capacity. 'Let’s determine the carrying capacity of the parks,'" he said the other day from the Wisconsin home in the woods he shares with his wife, June. "Now, they’re talking about, 'Let’s get more people in, so we can get more money.' The carrying capacity is out the window, so, I would say the condition of our parks has definitely gotten worse."
from by Kurt Repanshek on May 24, 2010
at  90 Years On, Dr. Michael Frome Continues To Lament The State of the National Parks | National Parks Traveler

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Monday, May 03, 2010