
Sunday, September 04, 2011

Astronomy Text Summary, AST 100, 101, 105, 106

Douglas A. Fowler

Textbook Summary for Astronomy

UPDATED August 15, 2011

UW Fox Valley


1. AST 101 Observational Astronomy1 cr

Observation of solar system, galactic and extra-galactic objects, and introduction to basic observational techniques in astronomy. Includes telescopic and unaided eye observation, positional astronomy, astro-photography, optic spectroscopy, interpretation of astronomical data, and astronomy laboratory exercises. Students who have AST 200 or AST 100 for 4 credits, or equivalent courses, are not eligible for this course. Prereq: One year of high school algebra and one year of high school geometry or one semester of college algebra. If the prerequisite math course was taken more than five years ago, cons. instr. required. NS/LS.

1. Astronomy AST 101 – E041


A Field Guide to the Stars and Planets, 4th Ed. (updated)

(This book is part of the Peterson Field Guide Series)


Jay M. Pasachoff, Roger Tory Peterson & Wil Tirion

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 1999

ISBN – 10  03959344311

ISBN – 13  978-0395934319

(Older editions of this field guide will work just as well, including the earlier edition by Donald Menzel, and later both Menzel and Pasachoff.)


2. AST 100 Survey of Astronomy3-4 cr

Descriptive survey of astronomy for students with minimal background in mathematics and science. Topics include the solar system, stars, nebulae, galaxies, cosmology, and astronomical methods. May be offered for 3 credits without laboratory work, or for 4 credits with laboratory work consisting of telescopic observation, laboratory demonstration,and astronomy exercises. Students may not earn credit for both AST 100 and 105. Prereq: High school algebra and geometry or cons. instr. NS; if 4 cr, also LS.

3. AST 105 The Solar System3-4 cr

Contemporary understanding of the Solar System; the sky and celestial motions; ancient astronomy; the Copernican revolution; light, gravity, orbits, and astronomical instruments; formation of the solar system; sun, planets and moons; asteroids, comets, meteors and meteorites; and the origin of life. May be offered for three credits without laboratory work or for four credits with laboratory work consisting of telescopic observation, laboratory demonstration and/or astronomy exercises. Students may not receive credit for both AST 100 and 105. Prereq: High school algebra and geometry or cons. instr. NS; if 4 cr., also LS

4. AST 106 Stars, Galaxies and the Universe3-4 cr

Contemporary understanding of stellar systems: historical development; light, gravity, atoms and nuclei; astronomical instruments; properties and life cycles of the Sun and stars; black holes; the Milky Way and other galaxies; cosmology. May be offered for three credits without laboratory work or for four credits with laboratory work consisting of telescopic observation, laboratory demonstration and/or astronomy exercises. Students may not receive credit for both AST 100 and 106. Prereq: High school algebra and geometry or cons. instr. NS; if 4 cr., also LS with lab work

2. Astronomy AST 100 – E001

3. Astronomy AST 105 – E001

4. Astronomy AST 106 – E001

TEXT (for each and any of the above courses, AST 101, 105, 106)

In Quest of the Universe, 5th Ed.


Theo Koupelis &  Karl F. Kuhn

Jones & Bartlett, 2007

ISBN – 10  0763743879

ISBN – 13  978-0763743871

This is the one I have, but newer 6th edition is on the market.  I also have a 4th edition.  Any of the following will do:

1. Kuhn, K. F. & Koupelis, T. In Quest of the Universe (4th Ed.), Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett, 2004.

Paperback: 674 pages

Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Pub; 4th edition (February 2004)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0763708100

ISBN-13: 978-0763708108

2. Koupelis, T. & Kuhn, K. F. In Quest of the Universe (5th Ed.), Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett, 2007.

Paperback: 648 pages

Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Publishers; 5 edition (April 13, 2007)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0763743879

ISBN-13: 978-0763743871

3. Koupelis, T. In Quest of the Universe (6th Ed.), Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett, 2011.

Paperback: 638 pages

Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Publishers; 6th edition (February 2, 2010)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0763768588

ISBN-13: 978-0763768584

Also required:  A calculator. This does not have to be an expensive, graphing calculator - in fact, I would rather it not be (if you were already made to buy one of these for some high school math class, its okay). I prefer simple, scientific calculators like the TI-30 through TI-35 series (but any brand will do – I am not plugging for Texas Instruments®).